Tuesday, December 18, 2007

not always thanks and peace

tear at this body
the sin is in my flesh
tear it out

fist punched into wall
car crash

get the HELL out of me

fuck the writer in my head
always summing up everything

always throwing things together into a story
not a real story

but the one that sells me

that damned brain
remove it, bleach it
HOLY light envelop it
cleansing rays leave nothing of me

i'm HERE! What are you waiting for

screaming, yelling, crying, slumped in a hostel bathroom. YOU ignore it all!!!!!

is this not broken enough for you?


praise, scorn. i shake. shout. cough. insides tremor with them all and yet you don't care. You don't care. You don't care. FIX ME already.

i'm sick all over, my skin crawls with sin.

to sleep.

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