my trusty red jeep is less trusty these days. following a little 1am stranded-ness on the side of the road, I drove my car from home to the mechanic's. in third gear. the whole way--during rush hour on the freeway. well, at least I learned that I'm pretty adept at managing to not stall when going from 0 to drive in third gear. I should get an award.
there were calls to co-workers, family, mechanics, and dentists (appointment rescheduling). there were estimates (two, varying by $600--both more than what the car's worth). there were requests for leave from work. then, the research fun began--how does cash for clunkers work? how does one buy a new car and not get ripped off?
but no new car now (it seems that buying a second house is bad time for dear child to need a new car and asking dutiful parents to buy a new car in order to generate a hand-me-down). and no repairs--why sink any money into my little red deathtrap? jeep is working for now only because it suspects that otherwise I'll junk him (only time I personify my car).
it's all such a mess. fml.
in happier news, new music elevates my mood and a dessert. recent downloads: kabul sh*t and get better and gives you hell. and Mika's new EP. as for the dessert, I'm making this for a co-worker's sendoff potluck.
*UPDATE* the jeep was clunkered! new car bought. new car given to father. father's old car was given to me. I'm now the proud owner of a 99 Camry, with AC (no more shirtless driving like a hillbilly) and with power locks/windows. I froze my hands numb the first day just because I could.
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